Walk Our World 2015

Foot PrintRoom One is participating in the “Walk Our World” global event.  We are working together with classes all over the world to walk the circumference of the Earth.  We need 87,653,456 steps to make a complete trip around the world.  Each student has been wearing a pedometer and recording steps in a log on a daily basis.  Each Friday, we calculate our totals and enter them on the official Walk Our World website.  To learn more about this project click HERE.

We also created a scavenger hunt for this event and we want YOU or YOUR CLASS to join us.  It’s fun, engaging, and FREE!  All you need is an Instagram account (free) and a copy of the scavenger hunt items.  So grab a parent, teacher, or family friend and get walking.  Count those steps as you cross those items off your list.  For a copy of the rules and item list, click Walk Our World Scavenger Hunt.

If you have other items that would be fun to add to the list, please leave your ideas in the comments below.  We will be happy to add new items to the list!  Happy walking…and clicking!

Hj Mohd RoCreative Commons Licensesanno Hj Omar Ali via Compfight

2 thoughts on “Walk Our World 2015

  1. I like the idea of walking the circumference of the earth because that is a lot and I wonder how long it would take to finish all of those steps. I would enjoy experiencing the walking to finish the circumference of the earth for the walk our world project I feel the students would know more on how doing projects like this are actually pretty fun.
    – Jdearie

  2. Mrs. Vazquez,

    I think the idea of the pedometer is fun and interactive way to get students to participate and Excercise, the scavenger hunt adds to the fun by having them look for specific things, some harder than others. Who came up with this idea and how did they come up with it.http://www.flags8.org/

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